Friday 25 March 2016

Africans Don't Use Mobile Phones

Over the week-end of the 3rd and 4th of October 2009, a conference titled Critical Thinking for Development Education: Moving from Evaluation to Research, took place in NUI Galway.

Organised by the
Development Education & Research Network (DERN) at NUI, Galway, one of the papers presented was by Richard Borowski and Jane Plastow from Leeds University Centre for African Studies (LUCAS).

The two researchers traced the background to the project; the summary of their findings of which is also presented as follows:

"African Voices is a project run by LUCAS that takes African postgraduate students studying any subject at the University of Leeds, trains them in relation to the British education system and to active learning methodologies and then sends them out into Leeds schools, years 5-8, to work in a range of modes to challenge negative ideas about the continent, to help make Africa 'real' to young people, and to seek to arouse their interest in different cultures.

Children's Negative Images of Africa
One of the main questions this project has caused us to debate is why children have such negative ideas about Africa. The evidence seems to be that there are two main sources of negative image making: the media and charity campaigns.

Images of Africa on Television
The images that children are exposed to in the media, and this we think would be primarily on the television, are of an Africa that is disaster ridden.

There is very little cultural or documentary material shown on British television relating to the continent; instead it appears mostly on the news and overwhelmingly then in relation to bad news stories.

When I did a trawl on the internet for this article to see what the BBC had been recently saying about the continent I quickly came to an Africa site that invited me to put in only the following keywords: civil war, elections, famine, human rights, peace negotiations, political parties and war. These are apparently for the BBC the things that primarily go on in Africa.

It is no wonder that young children see a largely undifferentiated continent of helplessness, danger and poverty: for that matter many of their parents and teachers probably see the same things. The only other image of Africa that is widely pedalled relates to the exotic.

Television Programmes
Wildlife programmes such as the BBCs Big Cat Diaries, or ITV's appalling wildlife drama, Wild at Heart, where Africans usually come with thick accents and a willingness to serve while white people nobly rescue beautiful animals, are standard fare; while occasional series and documentaries tend to feature brave and beautiful young white people going off to live - ostensibly alone (except of course for the TV crew) - with Africans of the noble savage variety - Massai and San bushmen are favourites here, demonstrating how 'aboriginal' peoples really do have cultures, but are of course usually being squeezed out of their peaceful lives by the incursions of such forces as corrupt governments, predatory farmers or foreign tourism.

The brave young white people always fall in love with these ‘aboriginals’, go through a spiritual experience, wear some weird clothes and eat something utterly disgusting before sadly saying goodbye to the accompaniment of a vibrant music track.

Given this highly selective and distorted imagery it is hardly surprising that primary school children in the UK believe that Africans don't use mobile phones, buses, computers, or iPods?

Or that they think most Africans live in mud huts whereas the latest statistics show that 38% of the continent is now urbanised, and Africa is experiencing the greatest growth in the use of mobile phones anywhere in the world.

Charity Campaigns on Television
The second source of popular information is undoubtedly charitable campaigning. Programmes such as the annual Comic Relief beano or Blue Peter appeal bombard us with pictures of cute children - often again outside mud huts, and on the major charity's websites one finds image after image of poverty and suffering.

Aid Agencies: their Presence and Campaigns in Schools
Within schools, charitable giving is often encouraged as being a good thing to promote compassion in children, but inevitably it is likely to further promote ideas of African helplessness and of the superiority of life in the West, not just in material terms, but arguably in terms of the West being better, kinder and necessary to the well-being of the world's helpless poor. At worst we would argue this is a breeding ground for racism."

"These people are so different, so useless, that we in the West just must be superior", Borowski & Plastow offered this assessment of pupils' views as a consequence of the type of information and images of Africa referred to above.

Any similarities with the situation here in Ireland?

Details of the links to the Conference Paper on
Young People’s Perceptions of Africa can be found here.

Visit the LUCAS
Schools Africa Project.

Saturday 13 February 2016

Putting the Arts in the Centre of the Curriculum

By Adekunle Gomez

The discussions generated by the Government’s Green Paper, Education for a Changing World, resulting in the holding of various regional meetings, and the setting up of the recently-held National Education Convention, has also revived the debate on the place of the arts in the curriculum.
In an article in The Irish Times in October, 1992, based on a talk delivered to the Glenstal Abbey parents’ meeting, Brother Mark Hederman, a former principal, lamented what he felt was the neglect of the arts in the Green Paper. “I am not merely recommending a place for the arts in education for the purposes of either employment or entertainment. I am claiming that art is an education in itself. Its all-important role in any curriculum should be obvious: it opens new worlds to us, it teaches us to be more fully alive, it makes us sensitive to otherness, to what is different, it pulls us out of ourselves and reveals what is new. Without it we would produce a generation of aggressive, boring, controlling predators. Art teaches wonder, deference, vulnerability. These, too, have to be learned by every generation. This Green Paper must accommodate the arts in a central and protected place”, was Brother Hederman’s view.
Unfortunately, art’s “all-important role in any curriculum” has not been as obvious as is suggested by Brother Hederman for which I will offer this somewhat provocative suggestion. That is, the failure on the part of advocates of the arts in education to define and explain properly, in a language everybody will understand, what the arts are, and of what creating art involves, has resulted in this perceived neglect. In saying this, I am not suggesting that artists themselves don’t know what the work they do is about, but rather, an assumption is made that the public already knows what this is, and hence have done very little to dispel the notion that culture equals the arts, and the arts equal leisure, QED.
While ‘art’ is normally conveyed in a narrow sense to mean gallery paintings or sculptures, ‘music’ is equally used as a substitute for the kind called ‘classical’, and which could (preferably) only be heard in concert halls. In the broader area of cultural activities, theatre-going would also be considered a more desirable activity. The arts are thus defined in a way the ‘ordinary’ person is often made to feel excluded; and with the perception of the arts as a way to occupy leisure time, makes any participation in them seem rather self-indulgent. Transferred to the educational environment, such a perception is bound to influence policy in terms of which subjects received priority.
One art form which is identified with leisure and entertainment more than any other is music. However, other aspects to it appear to be less readily recognised, such as the fact that music in Ireland is an industry calculated to be worth around £100 million annually. Surely, this must require a high level of enterprise on the part of all involved, musicians included, in an industry with such a massive turnover.
There are reasons why certain art forms have become ‘redundant’. Evolution in science and technology has changed the utilitarian functions some of them now fulfil. For example, painting and/or sculpture (in some societies) was the means of recording events in previous times. These forms of recording images, however, have been changed due to the invention of film and photography. Yet humans still feel the need to paint or sculpt, but this is a topic for another article. A definition of the arts should therefore begin with the following assertions: (i) that they are the products of a society’s culture and hence exist within a particular social and cultural context. (ii) Painting, sculpture, crafts, drama, poetry, storytelling, music and dance, then, are the result of a human creative process in which different elements and materials are brought together, through a high level of social and technical organisation, to achieve the end product.
(iii) Thought, planning, design, the right choice and use of materials and tools, as well as the eventual function the object will serve, constitute this process; (iv) the creative process must also be carried out in a systematic manner to achieve the desired result. As the great painter, Pablo Picasso, once said, “You cannot have art without hard work: manual as well as cerebral dexterity”.
To return to the Green Paper, it must be noted that it does make two positive references to the arts. In the Primary Curriculum one of the aims is to enable students to “acquire an appreciation of the arts and participate in and enjoy creative activity”, while in the second-level Junior Cycle, “it is desirable that students are exposed to subjects, such as Art and Music, that would develop their expressive abilities”.
A ‘core’ programme for the Junior Cycle set out in the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment’s review has also been endorsed by the Green Paper, which then proposed a new subject, Enterprise and Technology Studies. Outside this core programme, other subjects - Art and Music among them - have been proposed as options.
“However, since the proposed core programme, excluding a modern European language, would contain six subjects, such a choice no longer appears to be a realistic option”, the Green Paper itself admitted a few sentences later. What could then be described as a ‘severe case of timetable overcrowding’ therefore makes the Green Paper’s desire “that students are exposed to subjects, such as art and music” somehow impossible to fulfil, hence the somewhat justified criticism of the Green Paper’s attitude towards the arts. The problem therefore is not whether the arts are a good thing but rather that of lack of space in the present timetable.
But if the number of core subjects makes it impossible to have room for any others, how then can the arts be accommodated in a central place? The various arguments in favour of arts education have already been presented in several reports and submissions and will therefore not be rehearsed. The focus here will be on how the present set-up can put the arts in a central position.
An art form involves historical, geographical, scientific, technological and commercial elements to it, so I will suggest as an approach a concept called Education through the Arts, as distinct from 'Arts Education'. This is an approach which would entail making the arts a tool in the teaching of other subjects (and thus being much more than a worthwhile end in themselves).
As recently as 1984, the secondary school system in England was said to encourage teachers to see each subject in isolation. The ‘Arts’ were seen as the province of their specific teachers. It was even claimed that in some schools, it was rare for teachers of physical and regional geography to collaborate on their work.
Fortunately, flexibility is one encouraging new aspect of the junior cycle programme where “schools and teachers have more freedom to introduce material and activities that suit their pupils”. Another positive aspect is that: “Numerous opportunities exist for cross-curriculum linkages: these should be exploited through collective teacher planning and through individual teacher initiative”.
The key phrase here is “cross-curriculum linkages”, and indeed in the junior certificate History syllabus teachers’ guidelines, for example, one of the approaches suggested is as follows: “this section [Renaissance] of the course provides opportunities for co-operation with the school’s art department and teachers are encouraged to exploit such opportunities”.
One very interesting example of Education through the Arts I came across was implemented by Frieda Meaney, a batik artist who worked in a Cork National School under the Arts Council’s Artist-in-Residence-in-Schools scheme.
Frieda Meaney - Autumn Morph (1)
Exploring with the group the life-cycle of a butterfly through batik, it was an approach which went beyond the obvious biological link with batik, in this case cotton, by choosing as the design the butterfly and using the different stages of its life-cycle. Similarly, silkscreen printing could incorporate a lesson in the life-cycle of the silkworm and the production of silk.
Her approach, had this been a secondary school, would obviously have required close co-operation with both art and biology teachers, and perhaps even the chemistry teacher. "Allowing staff and students realise, through experience, that making art requires attitude, dispositions, skills and knowledge which represent human intelligence of a very high order”, was how she summarised her work in the school.
An art form in its historical aspect involves a background knowledge of the art form itself, as well as a knowledge of the history of the people who created it. Geographically, it is necessary to locate the artist in a particular place, while physical and environmental features are important in explaining the development of the art form.
Artists would need to have detailed knowledge of the properties of their raw materials if the finished products are to meet the highest standards, which is where the Science subjects are highly relevant to their occupation. They are also the one group of people who would understand the possibilities and limitations of their materials. Thus Science and Geography lessons would be immensely enhanced further by looking at the work of artists.
A Physics lesson in sound and acoustics could also be emotionally enriched by a few tracks from Beethoven, Sean O’Riada, U2 or Engine Alley; while at the same time explaining, in a Biology lesson, the different effects decibel levels have on the eardrums. The properties of chemicals and metals used by artists, as well as the quantities required, occupy the domains of Chemistry and Mathematics respectively.
Enterprise and Technology Studies is the Green Paper’s proposed core subject inviting the strongest attack in the arts in education debate. But there need not be conflict here. For, in the module in ‘knowledge and skills’ of the Technology course, students are expected to take units in communications, craft and materials, energy and control, technology and society, as well as design procedure.
The point being made here is that to produce an art form, the knowledge and skills first needed to be acquired are the same as those prescribed for the technology course; and indeed the closest cross-curricular link could be forged between Technology and Art, Craft & Design. Furthermore, modern technology has itself also evolved from the methods of traditional arts.
Similarly, since earning a living is the preoccupation of every human being, the artist is no exception. Producing an art form, therefore is also an economic activity in which artists would need to have a knowledge of basic economics and commerce in order to handle the commercial organisation of their work. An aspect of art which would find an amicable place in the enterprise course. So, rather than seeing artists as less ‘enterprising’ or ‘technologically’ minded, a serious attention to their work would prove the opposite and, more importantly, be educationally beneficial.
An objective of the Junior Certificate Geography course is “to promote a sensitive awareness of [the] environment”, while a module in the Technology course deals with “the effects on the environment of technological developments”. In August 1990, a group of artists held a symposium in the Dublin/Wicklow Mountains. Titled the Bogland Symposium, Aidan Dunne remarked in the exhibition booklet that it “had in one way or another actually changed the lives of the participating artists. It had transformed their attitudes to the environment around them. It had made them re-evaluate their work practices, their relationship with materials, their ambitions, their priorities. Many felt it that it marked a milestone in their artistic progress. Such a happy confluence of interests as well, between the aesthetic and the environmental, points to a promising line of approach for the future.”
Very few people would by now not be aware that the environment has suddenly become the number one item on the agenda of international concern and action. At the same time, one could ask how many people are also aware of the relationship or would make the connection between the artist and the environment, which goes beyond the views expressed by Aidan Dunne. For there is a vital ecological contribution that the study of the arts can make to understanding this.
More than anyone else, because artists depend on materials from their immediate environment, the continued availability of these raw materials is of paramount importance; and since it is also in the artists’ own interest to ensure that the particular raw material is not over-exploited, will maintain a balance between exploitation and regeneration. Artists therefore have to be recognised as the leading guardians of the environment. Such a vital role and contribution of the artist as an ecologist could easily be emphasised and form the basis of conveying the environmental message across at the school level.
In 1985, The Arts in Education discussion paper produced by the Curriculum and Examinations Board (now the NCCA ) concluded that “Better provision of arts education in schools is unlikely to be brought about until more positive attitudes towards the arts are developed by those engaged in the forming of educational policy. ..... Failure to effect changes recommended in previous reports on the arts cannot be blamed entirely on financial constraints, but if arts education is valued, financial commitment should follow”.
Eight years on, the Green Paper may again be criticised as not having fulfilled the expectations of advocates of Arts in Education. At the same time, it must be admitted that it has already signalled positive intentions at both the Primary and the Junior Cycle levels regarding the arts. While waiting for an official policy and, hopefully, backed by increased allocation of resources, the present set-up could also introduce innovative ways, such as Frieda Meaney’s highly imaginative approach, of making the arts assume a central position in the classroom - something the junior certificate programme has already recognised. One such approach is Education through the Arts which, furthermore, would also fulfil the aims of artistic and aesthetic education which the 1985 discussion paper identified.

Adekunle Gomez is a founding member of the African Cultural Project, an organisation established in Ireland to provide cultural and education programmes relative to African countries. He has designed a programme based on the Asante people of West Africa for schools and young people.

This article first appeared in Art Bulletin December 1993/January 1994.
©Adekunle Gomez

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Toga the Dancing Goat from Ethiopia - Curriculum Links

Kaldi and the Dancing Goats (and this version - Toga the Dancing Goat from Ethiopia) re-tells the story of Kaldi, the goat herder from the Kaffa region of present-day Ethiopia, whose goats discovered the Coffea Arabica plant.

This is the plant whose berries turned out to be what we know today as the beans from which Coffee, the world's second most consumed hot beverage, is brewed.

Designed around the story of the origins of the coffee plant, and in fulfilment of the Myths and Legends Strand Unit of the Story Strand of the History syllabus, Kaldi and the Dancing Goats is a Curriculum Support Programme in the Social, Environmental and Scientific Education (SESE)  curriculum, and with an African Studies dimension.

The directly-related cross-curricular subject links are Science (goats, coffee plant, bamboo grass), Music (listening to Ethiopian music) and Visual Arts (clay / claypot); while Geography (Land, Rivers and SeasPeople and Other Lands) would be an indirectly-related  curriculum  subject (see the Curriculum Links diagram below for strands and strand units).

Kaldi and the Dancing Goats - Curricuum Links

The programme takes the legend as the starting point. Next, the characters (Toga the Goat, his cousins and Kaldi) are identified. Toga the Goat and his cousins would thus provide the first direct curriculum link: Science (Living Things strand, Plants and Animals / Plant and Animal Life unit).

The coffee plant and the bamboo grass would be the other items to be studied in the Plants and Animals / Plant and Animal Life unit of the Living Things strand in Science.

The Ethiopian flute music Kaldi would have played while watching over Toga and his cousins (when not taking a nap!) will come under the Listening and Responding to Music unit in Music. The bamboo plant used to make the flute would already have been studied in science.

Teachers might also like to bring in international elements to the programme: the story of coffee's journey around the world and the different coffee drinking traditions which emerged along the way.

The story of coffee also inspired an eighteenth century European classical musician, Johann Sebastian Bach who wrote a cantata: J. S. BACH - Coffee Cantata (BWV 211) - Nikolaus Harnoncourt 1, something the music lesson class could listen to and explore the background story to the cantata's composition.

The coffee pot, an important item in the Ethiopian Coffee Ceremony, would be studied under the Developing Form in Clay unit in Visual Arts, while younger classes could do drawings and colourings of goats and the plants they study from the story (Making Drawings / Painting units).

Geography, as an indirectly-related subject, will place the legend in its location, describing this area under the Natural Environments strand (Land, Rivers and Seas unit), while the Human Environment strand (People and Other Lands unit) will tell us about the lives of the people who live there.

While the programme is specifically designed for third to sixth classes, lessons with infants, first and second classes can be designed where storytelling, drawing and music activities will be undertaken.

It is worth noting that two major institutions in Ireland, Dublin Zoo in the Phoenix Park and the National Botanic Gardens in Glasnevin, provide the main subjects / items in this story.

Coffee Plant in the National Botanic Gardens, Dublin

While Dublin Zoo houses East African pygmy goats, coffee plants and bamboo grasses can be seen in the National Botanic Gardens, where other tropical plants from Africa can also be found.

These two institutions would therefore provide opportunities for school class visits.

Further Information:

Monday 27 January 2014

Toga the Dancing Goat from Ethiopia

A story about the origins of the coffee plant, as re-told to remind us that it was Toga the Goat who brought the coffee berries to the attention of Kaldi

Primary Curriculum
Social, Environmental and Scientific Education (SESE)
  • Strand:        Story
  • Strand unit: Myths and Legends

Once upon a time, a very long time ago, there was a goat called Toga, who lived in a country now called Ethiopia.

Toga's descendant, one of Ethiopia's 22.786 million goats (2011 FAO estimates). photo credit: Sean Winslow 

Toga the Goat and his cousins were looked after by Kaldi, a young boy whose father owned many goats.  

Every morning, just before sunrise, Kaldi would gather Toga and his cousins together and lead them out into the fields, where Toga and his cousins would spend the whole day wandering and feeding on the lush green grass of the gentle rolling hills.

Kaldi the herder also played the washint, the Ethiopian flute made from bamboo and, sitting under his favourite tree, he would often pass the time playing pleasant tunes on this, as he watched Toga and his cousins feed on the lush green grass out in the open fields.

Kaldi played tunes on his washint which might have sounded like this:

Sometimes, Toga and his cousins got bored eating the same lush green grass and roaming around the same fields, and soon began to think of things to do.

One day, on a particularly warm day, while Kaldi was having one of his afternoon naps, Toga wandered a little bit away from his cousins, and from where Kaldi was having his nap.

That day, Toga also decided to visit those parts of the green rolling fields he had not yet seen.

After a while, Toga came across a plant with green leaves. But what caught Toga’s eyes were the bright red berries which grew around the branches of the plant.  

Toga slowly and carefully moved towards the green plant with the bright red berries, for he had been taught by the older goats to be careful should he happen to come across something new.

Standing a little distance away, Toga took a good long look, first at the leaves, and then at the bright red berries. Next, he moved a bit closer, but very slowly, towards the plant.  

Toga wondered to himself what these berries might be; indeed, he wondered what they might also taste like! But, what tempted Fiyyel most was the pleasant smell which came from the bright red berries.

It didn't take long before Toga took a bite of some of the bright red berries, which also tasted as nice as they smelt. After a few more bites of the bright red berries, Toga began to have a very interesting kind of feeling.

It was also the kind of feeling which made Toga want to dance and, before he realised it, Toga found himself dancing, even dancing for the best part of one hour.

Toga looked around and suddenly realised that it was getting late and that he had also wandered a bit too far away from his cousins and Kaldi, so he started to return to them.

Luckily for Toga, he also managed to get back to them, and before Kaldi woke up from his afternoon nap, so Kaldi hadn’t noticed that Toga had gone missing.

Later that evening, after Kaldi had gone to bed, Toga told his cousins about his adventures earlier that day. Toga also promised to take his cousins to show them the plant with the green leaves and bright red berries.

The next day, just before sunrise, and just as he had always done every morning, Kaldi led Toga and his cousins out into the fields, where Toga and his cousins would spend the whole day wandering and feeding on the lush green grass of the gentle rolling hills, as they had always done.

photo credit: Sari Nordberg from the book Kaldi and the Dancing Goats. Addis Ababa. Shama Books

After some time, when it began to get a little bit warmer, Kaldi started to have one of his naps. As soon as Toga noticed that Kaldi was having one of his afternoon naps, he whispered to his cousins and asked them to follow him.

Toga led his cousins to the part of the field a little bit further and away from Kaldi, and to where he had seen the green plants with the green leaves and bright red berries the day before.

After a little while, Toga and his cousins arrived at the place where Toga had been the day before. Toga told them how he had tasted the bright red berries and how these made him feel. He then moved closer and picked some of the bright red berries to put into his mouth.

However, Toga’s cousins were not so sure he should go ahead and taste the bright red berries, and warned him to be careful.

All the same, Toga still went ahead and took a bite at some of the bright red berries, as his cousins looked on very anxiously, and then he asked them to try some.

At first, Toga’s cousins were not so sure, but after a while and a little urging, they decided to trust Toga and so they tried some of the bright red berries.

Before long, Toga and his cousins had finished eating most of the bright red berries on one of the branches of the plant with the green leaves.

Before long, Toga and his cousins began to have a funny feeling - a happy funny kind of feeling the same as Toga had felt the day before - and which also changed the way they acted.

Once again, just like the day before, this happy funny kind of feeling turned into the dance which Cousin Toga had performed.

First, Toga - for it was him who was the first to taste the bright red berries - lifted his back left foot, then his back right foot and did a terrific somersault.

Meanwhile, Kaldi had woken up from his afternoon nap and, slowly, he began to rub his eyes, as he looked left, looked right, looked straight ahead and, finally, looked behind him.

Kaldi was looking for Toga and his cousins but couldn’t see any of them. Starting to get very worried, Kaldi was sure his father would be very upset with him if he returned home without Toga and his cousins.

Kaldi had to find Toga and his cousins, so he looked left, looked right, looked straight ahead and, finally, looked behind him. "Which way?", he wondered.

After scratching his head for a little while - the way one would do before deciding to do something - Kaldi chose to go left. Maybe because he saw some droppings he was sure belonged to Toga!

Kaldi walked across the rolling fields, keeping his eyes wide open and his ears very alert to see or hear any sign or sound of Toga and his cousins. And, of course, he was looking for more droppings which he was sure would belong to Toga.

After a rather long walk, Kaldi saw from the distance something which made him jump.

“What’s going on over there?” Kaldi wondered as he suddenly stopped, surprised at what he was seeing.

Toga and his cousins had got themselves in a circle. Then, after what seemed to Kaldi like a count of one, two and three, they all stood on their hind legs and jumped up together.

Next, they all faced outside and, once again, at the count of one, two and three, they all did the somersault together. 

Kaldi watched Toga and his cousins as they performed different dances, even what we know as a modern dance like the rock and roll. In fact, any dance you could think of, Toga and his cousins seemed to perform it.

By now, Kaldi didn’t know what to think. Yes, he had found Toga and his cousins; but, how was he going to get them to stop dancing and bring them back home?

How was Kaldi also going to explain to his family what he had just seen happen in the fields, and if his family would even be convinced of or accept as true his story about the dancing goats?

Besides, whoever heard of dancing goats?

Kaldi drew closer to have a good look at what was happening and as he did this, he noticed that one of the goats was eating some berries. It was the same bright red berries Toga and his cousins have been munching on earlier.

Kaldi paused for a little while and then picked some of the bright red berries which he put into his mouth to see what would happen.

After another little while, Kaldi felt the same way as Toga and his cousins had felt earlier on and, before long, he also started dancing.

After some time, Toga and his cousins began to feel tired; and so did Kaldi, who decided he should better get the goats home, and taking some of the bright red berries with him in his bag.

Because of their adventures earlier that day, and because they were also a bit far away from their usual place in the fields, it took them a bit longer to arrive back home, where Kaldi's family was waiting for them with worry.

Back home, Kaldi first showed the bright red berries to his father and told him about Toga and his dancing cousins. After a long pause, as old people usually do, Kaldi's father decided to taste some of the bright red berries himself.

He felt some kind of energy, the same as Toga, his cousins and Kaldi had felt when they ate the bright red berries, but he stopped himself from dancing.

Kaldi's father then suggested that they should bring the bright red berries to show to the monks in the local monastery. These monks had been having problems staying awake during prayers. 

The monks, after carefully examining the bright red berries and having listened to the effects these have had on the way Toga, his cousins and Kaldi all behaved afterwards, decided to experiment by boiling the berries. They then drank the juice from this.

As the monks had correctly guessed, drinking this juice kept them awake during their prayers, especially at night.

After some time, Toga became too old to go out into the fields with the younger goats. However, he stayed at home, where his nephews and nieces brought him his dinner, and after which he gave dance lessons for a long time afterwards.

Many, many years later, people from other parts of Ethiopia who visited Toga’s hometown took the plant back home with them.

In those days, people from across the Red Sea in Arabia also travelled to Ethiopia. One of these travellers took the plant back with him to Yemen in Southern Arabia.

It was the people of Yemen who also decided to take the seed, also known as a bean, out of the fruit, which they roasted until the beans turned from green to dark brown.

The roasted beans were then crushed in a grinder and, when hot water was added, is what we know today as the coffee 'grown-ups' drink.

So, boys and girls can now tell their grown-ups where the coffee they like to drink came from, and how a goat was responsible for finding the plant from which the coffee berries or beans also came from.

Ethiopian Coffee Ceremony. Credit: Adis Gebru

Special thanks to the following wonderful people: Catherine (second class) of St. Joseph's National School, Hilltown, Ballymitty, Co Wexford; Susie (fourth class) and Hao (senior infants) of The Harold School, Glasthule, Co Dublin, who all lent their attentive ears and cast their collective critical eyes on this story to make sure it was properly written and good enough for boys and girls in schools all over Ireland to read.

Social, Environmental and Scientific Education (SESE)


  • Strand:       Story
  • Strand unit: Myths and Legends

(extract from the SESE History Curriculum)
Third & Fourth Classes
Strand:         Story
Strand unit:  Myths and legends
The child should be enabled to
  • listen to, discuss, retell and record a range of myths and legends from various cultural, ethnic and religious backgrounds in Ireland and other countries
  • discuss the chronology of events in the stories
  • discuss the actions and feelings of characters
  • distinguish between fictional accounts in stories, myths and legends and real people and events in the past
  • express or record stories through oral and written forms, art work, drama, mime, movement and information and communication technologies.
Music: Listening and responding; Performing
Visual arts: Many stories may inspire artistic work.
Drama: Drama to explore feelings, knowledge and ideas, leading to understanding

Fifth & Sixth Classes
Strand:         Story
Strand unit:  Myths and legends
The child should be enabled to
  • listen to, discuss, retell and record a wider range of more complex myths and legends from different cultural, ethnic and religious backgrounds in Ireland and other countries
  • discuss the chronology of events in the stories
  • discuss the actions and feelings of characters
  • relate the myths and legends to the beliefs, values and traditions of the peoples from which they came
  • discuss the forms of expression and conventions used in myths and their retelling
  • exaggeration, repetition, fantasy, caricature
  • explore and discuss common themes and features which are to be found in the myths and legends of different peoples
  • express or record stories through oral and written forms, art work, drama, mime, movement, information and communication technologies.
Music: Listening and responding; Performing
Visual arts: Many stories may inspire artistic work.
Drama: Drama to explore feelings, knowledge and ideas, leading to understanding

Curriculum Links

Kaldi and the Dancing Goats re-tells the story of Kaldi, the goat herder from the Kaffa region of present-day Ethiopia, whose goats discovered the Coffea Arabica plant. 

This was the plant whose berries turned out to be what we know today as the beans from which Coffee, the world's second most consumed hot beverage, is brewed.

Designed around the story of the origins of the coffee plant, and in fulfilment of the Myths and Legends Strand Unit of the Story Strand of the History syllabus, Kaldi and the Dancing Goats is a Curriculum Support Programme in the Social, Environmental and Scientific Education (SESE) curriculum, and with an African Studies dimension.

The directly-related cross-curricular subject links are Science (goats, coffee plant, bamboo grass), Music (listening to Ethiopian music) and Visual Arts (clay / claypot), while Geography (Land, Rivers and Seas, People and Other Lands) would be an indirectly-related subject (see diagram above for strands and strand units).

Further Information:

Thursday 5 December 2013

First, A Story From Nkosikazi Manzandaba

Where Stories Come From (A Zulu Story)
Once, a very long time ago, so long ago that it must have been close to the time when the First Man and the First Woman walked upon the earth, there lived a woman named Manzandaba (mah-nzah-ndah'-bah) and her husband Zenzele (zay-nzay'-lay).

They lived in a home in a small village. They had many children, and for the most part, they were very happy. They would spend the day working, weaving baskets, tanning hides, hunting and tilling the earth near their home. Sometimes, they would go down to the great ocean and play under the sun in the sand, laughing at the funny crabs they would see scuttling along there and rejoicing at the way in which the birds would dip and dive in the sea breezes. Zenzele had the heart of an artist and loved to carve. He would fashion beautiful birds out of old tree stumps. With his axe he could make the most wonderful impala and kudu bucks from stone. Their homestead was filled with decorative works by Zenzele the carver.

But in the evenings when the family would sit around the fire before going to sleep they would not be so happy. It was too dark for weaving or carving, and yet too early to go to sleep. "Mama," the children would cry, "Sifuna izindaba!" (see-foo'-nah ezee-ndah'-bah) "We want stories! Tell us some stories, Mama!" Manzandaba would think and think, trying to find a story she could tell her children, but it was of no use. She and Zenzele had no stories to tell. They sought the counsel of their neighbours, but none of them knew any stories. They listened to the wind. Could the wind be trying to tell them a story? No, they heard nothing. There were no stories, no dreams, no magical tales.

One day Zenzele told his wife that she must go in search of stories. He promised to look after the home, to care for the children, to mend and wash and sweep and clean, if only she would bring back stories for the people. Manzandaba agreed. She kissed her husband and children good-bye and set off in search of stories.

The woman decided to ask every creature she passed if they had stories to share. The first animal she met was Nogwaja (noh-gwah'jah) the hare. He was such a trickster! But she thought she'd better ask him all the same. "Nogwaja, do you have any stories? My people are hungry for tales!" "Stories?" shrieked Nogwaja. "Why, I have hundreds, thousands, no -- millions of them!"

"Oh, please, Nogwaja," begged Manzandaba, "give some to me that we might be happy!"

"Ummm...." Nogwaja said. "Uhhhh… well, I have no time for stories now. Can't you see that I am terribly busy? Stories in the daytime, indeed!" And Nogwaja hopped quickly away. Silly Nogwaja! He was lying! He didn't have any stories!

With a sigh, Manzandaba continued on her way. The next one she came upon was mother baboon with her babies. "Oh, Fene! (fay'-nay) " she called. "I see you are a mother also! My children are crying for stories. Do you have any stories that I could bring back to them?"

"Stories?" laughed the baboon. "Do I look like I have time to tell stories? Hawu! With so much work to do to keep my children fed and safe and warm, do you think I have time for stories? I am glad that I do not have human children who cry for such silly things!"

Manzandaba continued on her way. She then saw an owl in a wild fig tree. "Oh, Khova (koh'-vah)," she called, "please will you help me? I am looking for stories. Do you have any stories you could give me to take back to my home?"

Well, the owl was most perturbed at having been woken from her sleep. "Who is making noise in my ears?" she hooted. "What is this disruption? What do you want? Stories! You dare wake me for stories? How rude!" And with that the owl flew off to another tree and perched much higher, where she hoped she would be left in peace. Soon she was sound asleep again. And Manzandaba went sadly on her way.

Next she came upon an elephant. "Oh, kind Ndlovu (ndloh'-voo)," she asked, "do you know where I might find some stories? My people are hungry for some tales, and we do not have any!"

Now, the elephant was a kind animal. He saw the look in the woman's eye and felt immediately sorry for her. "Dear woman," he said, "I do not know of any stories. But I do know the eagle. He is the king of the birds and flies much higher than all the rest. Don't you think that he might know where you could find stories?"

"Ngiyabonga, Ndlovu!" she said. "Thank you very much!"

So Manzandaba began to search for Nkwazi (nkwah'-zee) the great fish eagle. She found him near the mouth of the Tugela River. Excitedly, she ran toward him. She called out to him as he was swooping down from the sky, talons outstretched to grab a fish from the river. "Nkwazi! Nkwazi!" she called. She so startled the eagle that he dropped the fish that had been his. He circled around and landed on the shore near the woman.

"Hawu!" he barked at her. "What is so important that you cause me to lose my supper?"

"Oh, great and wise Nkwazi," began Manzandaba. (Now fish eagle is very vain. He liked hearing this woman refer to him as great and wise. He puffed out his feathers as she spoke.) "Nkwazi, my people are hungry for stories. I have been searching a long time now for tales to bring back to them. Do you know where I might find such tales?" She gave him a great look of desperation.

"Well," he said, "even though I am quite wise, I do not know everything. I only know of the things that are here on the face of the earth. But there is one who knows even the secrets of the deep, dark ocean. Perhaps, he could help you. I will try and call him for you. Stay here and wait for me!" So Manzandaba waited several days for her friend the fish eagle to return. Finally he came back to her. "Sawubona, nkosikazi!" he called. "I have returned, and I am successful! My friend, ufudu lwasolwandle, the big sea turtle, has agreed to take you to a place where you can find stories!" And with that the great sea turtle lifted himself out of the ocean.

"Woza, nkosikazi," said the sea turtle in his deep voice. "Climb onto my back and hold onto my shell. I will carry you to the Land of the Spirit People." So the woman took hold of his shell and down they went into the depths of the sea. The woman was quite amazed. She had never seen such beautiful things before in her life. Finally, they came to the bottom of the ocean where the Spirit People dwell. The sea turtle took her straight to the thrones of the King and Queen. They were so regal! Manzandaba was a bit afraid at first to look at them. She bowed down before them.

"What do you wish of us, woman from the dry lands?" they asked.

So Manzandaba told them of her desire to bring stories to her people.

"Do you have stories that I could take to them?" she asked rather shyly.

"Yes," they said, "we have many stories. But what will you give us in exchange for those stories, Manzandaba?"

"What do you desire?" Manzandaba asked.

"What we would really like," they said, "is a picture of your home and your people. We can never go to the dry lands, but it would be so nice to see that place. can you bring us a picture, Manzandaba?"

"Oh, yes!" she answered. "I can do that! Thank you, thank you!"

So Manzandaba climbed back onto the turtle's shell, and he took her back to the shore. She thanked him profusely and asked him to return with the next round moon to collect her and the picture.

The woman told her family all of the things she had seen and experienced on her journey. When she finally got to the end of the tale her husband cried out with delight. "I can do that! I can carve a beautiful picture in wood for the Spirit People in exchange for their stories!" And he set to work straight away.

Manzandaba was so proud of her husband and the deftness of his fingers. She watched him as the picture he carved came to life. There were the members of their family, their home and their village. Soon, others in the community heard about Manzandaba's journey and the promised stories, and came also to watch Zenzele's creation take shape. When the next round moon showed her face, Zenzele was ready. He carefully tied the picture to Manzandaba's back. She climbed on the turtle's back and away they went to the Spirit Kingdom. When they saw the picture, the King and Queen of the Spirit people were so happy! They praised Zenzele's talent and gave Manzandaba a special necklace made of the finest shells for her husband in thanks. And then they turned to Manzandaba herself. "For you and your people," they said, "we give the gift of stories." And they handed her the largest and most beautiful shell she had ever seen. "Whenever you want a story," they said, "just hold this shell to your ear and you will have your tale!" Manzandaba thanked them for their extreme kindness and headed back to her own world.

When she arrived at the shore, there to meet her was her own family and all the people of her village. They sat around a huge fire and called out, "Tell us a story, Manzandaba! Tell us a story!"

So she sat down, put the shell to her ear, and began, "Kwesuka sukela…."

And that is how stories came to be!

Primary Curriculum
Social, Environmental and Scientific Education (SESE)
Strand: Story
Strand unit: Stories  

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